Free live Masterclass | Wednesday, September 4, 4:00-5:45pm Eastern Time

How to Order Coffee in French 

With Confidence

Imagine strolling through a café in Paris or Montréal and effortlessly ordering your latté in French like a local. 

In this free masterclass you’ll learn the exact words and phrases you need to order your French coffee or tea with confidence. 

Wednesday, September 4 4:00pm (New York/Toronto) 

Don't miss the LAST opportunity to attend the masterclass this year!

You'll learn to…

  • Greet the barista
  • Order 10 types of coffee and tea like a local in France or Québec
  • Tell the barista how you'll pay
  • Apply cultural rules about which drinks are acceptable to order
  • Engage in polite conversation to maximize immersion on your next French vacation

Wednesday, September 4, 4:00-5:45pm New York/Toronto

Who is this masterclass for? 

Do any of the following sound like you? You don’t want to miss this masterclass!

This masterclass is Wednesday, September 4 at 4:00pm Eastern Time.

This is your last chance to attend this FREE class in 2024!

“I dream of sitting on a café terrasse in Paris or Montréal and eavesdropping on the French swirling around me.”

Ah, the quintessential French experience! Before you can lean back and eavesdrop in that wicker terrasse chair, learn to order your coffee or tea like a local.

“I'm a bit rusty with my high school or college French, but I've always wanted to pick it back up again.”

It’s never too late to pick French back up again! Studies show that learning another language simulates your brain, improves your memory, and even improves your self-esteem. 

“I'm an intermediate learner and I freeze up in spoken interactions. I want to feel more like myself when I speak French.”

Practicing your French in the welcoming environment of the masterclass will help you get outside your comfort zone and prepare you to express your personality more en français! 

“I want to feel breezy and confident speaking French. I'm tired of feeling embarrassed when I travel to French-speaking countries.”

This one masterclass will give you the phrases you need to conduct confident service encounters during your next trip to France or Québec.

“I've only studied French with apps, but I want to learn enough to get around on my next trip.”

Bravo for getting a jumpstart on your learning! In this masterclass, you’ll get live conversation practice with French how it is actually spoken! You'll also get to test out your French before your next trip.

What people are saying…

Lilian B.

I'm a beginner and struggling to learn on my own. I got lucky to be able to attend this masterclass. It's really fun to learn something new, especially being guided by Natalie.

Rod D. 

A very positive experience, especially Natalie's focus on how French is spoken in everyday life.

Wanda G.

100% recommended! The course definitely took me out of my comfort zone and gave me that push to keep going in my journey to becoming proficient in speaking French.


Is this Masterclass really free?!

Oui! This is a free opportunity to make progress on your French-learning goals in a supportive environment. 

Is this Masterclass live? 

This is a live Masterclass. You’ll practice speaking French and practice ordering your preferred coffee or tea. If you show up live, you’ll also receive a special bonus: French Pastry 101: Ordering in the French Bakery. 

What happens if I can’t make it live? 

If you can’t make it live, you can still watch the recording. You won’t get the opportunity for live practice if you don’t attend live, but you can still practice on your own.  

I’m not really sure if this class is for me. Can you explain who this Masterclass is for? 

This is for you if you want to make a daily coffee and pastry stop and to speak to the barista en français on your trip to France or Québec. Whether you’re a beginner or intermediate learner, you’ll walk away from the masterclass ready for your trips to the café and pâtisserie (pastry shop)

I already know some French. Will I learn anything new here?

Bien sûr! Even if you have been learning French for a while, you will walk away with more confidence when ordering and a more in-depth knowledge of cultural factors, such as which coffee drinks shouldn’t be ordered after breakfast. You will also get the opportunity to practice speaking French!

Will there be a chance to ask questions during this Masterclass?

You’ll get the chance to ask all your questions about ordering a coffee, French culture, vocabulary, and pronunciation in this live class. 

Wednesday, September 4, 4:00pm-5:45pM (New York/Toronto) 

A note from Dr. Nat

Your guide to improving 

French conversation

before your next trip 


I kept it a secret for a long time. I had been studying French for 5 years. But when it came time to order a coffee in Paris, I still felt so stressed. All I wanted was a drip coffee, but I always had a hard time getting the equivalent. So I would order “un café” and begrudgingly try to love the espresso I got served.

After I got back from that trip, I swore I would start being myself in French. I was tired of drinking beverages I didn’t like and making adjustments to my personality because I didn’t speak the French of my dreams. 

I knew I wanted to help other adults express themselves clearly and confidently in French. This led me to pursue my Bachelor and Master’s in French and PhD in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching so that I could help you speak French the way that locals actually speak in both France and Québec. 

It’s my mission to bring you step-by-step courses to improve your spoken French and your confidence when speaking. 

This masterclass is for you if you want to speak French with ease and impress your friends when you order in French for the whole table! 

Your first step to navigating service encounters in French is available to you right now. 

Whether you're feeling rusty with your high school French, or you’re coming for a review, you’re in the right place.

I can’t wait to help you on your French journey!

À bientôt,

Dr. Nat